Cascadia: Landmarks
In the Cascadia: Landmarks expansion, players create sprawling habitats and place beautiful natural landmarks within them.
Landmarks give each environment its own look and feel, while also providing dynamic endgame scoring bonuses. As soon as a player creates a consecutive are of five tiles or more, a player may choose to put a landmark token on the played tile. It opens up more and different scoring opportunities although you have to sacrifice space for animals.
Because the game can now be played with up to six players, the rules bring a variant to diminish downtime. Each player then gets a personal supply at the start of the game and are free to use those resources in between turns.
In addition to the Landmarks module, this expansion includes more unique wildlife scoring cards and habitat tiles to add variety. There are now enough components to play Cascadia with 5-6 players. The expansion offers just the right mix of more content from the base game and new elements. It doesn’t necessarily make the game more complicated. It is still wise though to teach the base game first to new player’s just to get a feel for the puzzling aspect.