In Bower, you place tiles to create your nest with colored feathers, shiny rocks, and eye-catching flowers. What one wouldn’t do to attract attention! Birds know this well, especially the bowerbirds, who to impress their peers go beyond displaying their flashy feathers or singing a sweet melody. They construct elaborate and impressive nests, unleashing all their creativity. The result is a true work of art, composed of objects of all kinds, such as flowers, feathers, shells, and even sparkling gemstones.
You will challenge your opponent over six different goals, but you will know only three of them! Try to deduce the other goals and run to get precious abilities. A variety of abilities will give each game surprising twists…
At the start of the game each player gets three random goals. For each of the 6 goals you’re trying to create a majority of the given item in the corresponding column. But you will only know your own. During the game you will try to figure out what the goal of the other player is in order to give them some counter play.
On your turn you choose from three face up tile, one tile and place it under your columns adjacent to another tile, thus creating a grid. The tiles have two squares. The grid is 4 x 6. There are some bonus tiles to be earned if you have 3 crystals in one row. At the end of the game you score points for having majority in each goal. Points are also rewarded for creating the biggest group of each of the three different backgrounds.
Bower mixes two very simple concepts (Domino and Mastermind) and layers it to an interesting puzzle. Scores will be tight in every game due to the low number of eggs one can score. The game is quick, plays smoothly and is easy to learn.